This is an exciting time for Porthcawl, with the town earmarked for significant funding and regeneration. To maximise the long-term benefits for residents and visitors, Bridgend County Borough Council and Welsh Government have formed a landowner’s agreement to see the Waterfront progress as one, harmonious development.
The Porthcawl Waterfront Regeneration project is now entering a key phase as the Council and Welsh Government collaborate on a comprehensive Masterplan for the Waterfront. This is the final stage of the non-statutory consultation process where we are looking to hear from the community about the Masterplan for the site. The Masterplan proposals have been shaped by previous community engagement, including the Placemaking Strategy and the Open Space Concept Design consultations, ensuring that they reflect the needs of the local community.
The Masterplan proposals that you see today provide a high-level plan for how the Waterfront could be developed. The feedback from this consultation would help to shape the Masterplan and inform the detailed plans that would come forward as the development progresses.
All of the details of how the elements of the proposals would finally be delivered – such as drainage, sewerage, the amount of open space and appearance, the exact number of homes, and the exact layout and appearance of the development, will be the subject of future planning applications – and not this consultation.
The final development at the Waterfront will be built out in stages and involve different developers. There would be a design code, agreed by the Council as part of the planning process and this would set the standards that future developers delivering any part of the Masterplan in the future must comply with. This would ensure that the Local Planning Authority and the Welsh Government secure development of the highest quality and greatest benefit for residents.
The Masterplan has been prepared with the input from a multi-disciplinary team of designers and engineers. As the Masterplan progresses the design will be subject to further design and engineering input and will be shaped by further survey and technical studies. Read our exhibition boards to find out more about the project:
Click here for exhibition boards